Prayers for Small Groups

Bible open on table ready for prayer for small groups.

Prayers for small groups is a collection of examples of prayers of praise and thanksgiving that help set the tone of your meeting with fellow Christian believers.

Some small groups gather together for Bible study or for prayer, to share a meal and devotion. Praying together sets your heart to fellowship with God and with each other.

Whether you are getting together for a prayer Bible study, a meal and devotion, Sunday school or youth group read on for sample prayers to use to help you have a spirit filled gathering each time you meet.

Prayers for Small Groups: Opening Prayer for Small Groups or Bible Study

You may be a group leader or a member of a group that meets to have prayer, fellowship, encourage one another, or have a Bible study.

Use the following examples of prayer to begin your small group or Bible study. You can adapt prayer to your specific needs and always be ready to get the meeting going by offering an opening prayer.

Opening Prayer Example -Thankful and Focus

Heavenly Father, we thank you for bringing us together today. You have blessed us with this special time to worship you and study your Word. Help us to clear our minds and focus on what you have to say to us. Fill us with your presence and peace. Refresh us and lead our time together. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Opening Prayer Example – Encouragement

Dear Jesus Hear our Prayer, we thank you for bringing all of us together today. Help us to cheer each other along our journey in life. Let us encourage and love one another as we learn about You and study Your Word. Lead us to learn Your truth and do Your will. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Opening Prayer Example – Fellowship and Guidance

Father God we thank You for bringing us together this evening. In prayer, we praise You for all of your blessings, protection and care. Open our hearts in fellowship with You and with each other. Help us to learn how to help each other and to do Your will. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Opening Prayer Example – Asking for God’s Will to Be Done

Heavenly Father we are so thankful you have brought us together to share in each other’s lives and to grow in our journey with you. Hear our prayer and show us what Your will is for our lives and equip us to to Your Will in everything we do. We ask that You bless this time together for Your honor and glory. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayer: Opening Prayer Example – Praise and Worship

Dear Lord we praise You and thank You for all the blessings you have filled us with. Hear our prayer as we pray that You lead our time together and teach us Your Word. Help us to do Your will. Shine to us and through us so others can see you and feel Your presence. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Opening Prayer Example – Teach Us

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for bringing us together for prayer and to study Your Word. Hear our prayer and please teach us and help us understand what we read and discuss. Show us how to apply Your Word and direction to our lives each day. We ask your blessings on our families and friends and pray for Your saving grace for each and every one of them. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Opening Prayer Example – Praise and Thanksgiving

Dear Jesus, We come together in prayer, praise and fellowship to worship you. Please lead us to encourage each other and to do Your will. Let our lives be full of praise and thanksgiving to you every day. Fill our hearts with joy and thankfulness so that it overflows to those around us. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Prayers for Blessing the Food or Meal

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31

Many gatherings include prayer and a meal or snacks. Whether you are gathering together for prayer at church, small group, youth group or family dinner we all need to be ready to say the blessing. It expresses our gratitude for receiving the food we are about to eat.

If you are a little nervous about saying a prayer out loud in front of everyone, prepare ahead of time by reading short prayers that you can use. Read on for examples of short prayers for blessing the food or meal and on the people who prepared it and those who share it together.

Prayers for Small Groups: Blessing for the Food

Gracious Heavenly Father, Hear our prayer. We thank You for the food we are about to eat. We ask Your blessings on it and on the people who prepared it and who share it together. May it be for Your glory. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Blessing for Food and Gathering Together

Dear Lord, Hear our prayer. Thank You for letting us gather together for this meal. We pray that you bless the food and those who prepared it and those who share it. Let it bring You glory. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayer for Jesus to Bless the Food

Dear Jesus, Hear our prayer. Thank You for blessing us with this gathering and for all the food. Please bless those who provided it and those who share in enjoying it. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Prayer of Thankfulness for the Meal

Heavenly Father, Hear our prayer. Thank You for providing this meal for us. We ask for Your blessings upon it and upon all those who prepared it and share in enjoying it together. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Prayer to God for Blessing the Food

Father God, Hear our prayer. We thank You for all of your bountiful provisions for us. We as for Your blessings on all this food and thank You for allowing us to share it together. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Praying for Needs – Physical, Emotional, Financial and Spiritual

“Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Are you looking for a prayer for spiritual, emotional, financial or physical healing? Read on for a prayer for your small group, family, or individual prayer time.

Heavenly Father, Hear our prayer. We thank you for all your blessings and provisions for us. We know that you know what we have need of even before we ask. Hear our petitions for the needs of ourselves, family and friends.

Prayer for Physical Healing and Health

For the physical needs, you know our infirmities and we ask that you hear our prayer for Your healing touch and bring health and restoration for those needs.

Prayer for Spiritual Needs

You know our spiritual needs represented here. We ask for Your Holy Spirit hear our prayer and to move and intervene. Please shower us and fill us with your saving grace as we come to you individually with the needs in our hearts.

Prayer for Emotional Needs

You know our emotional needs that can only be filled and healed with your touch. Please hear our prayer, renew, rebuild and refresh us.

Prayer for Financial Needs

Financial needs weigh heavy on our hearts. We pray for your provision to meet those needs. Please hear our prayer and guide us and help us to be good stewards of all that you have given us.

Closing Prayer for Meeting Our Needs

We lift our individual and collective needs and burdens to you. Please hear our prayer. We praise you for all of your love and mercy. Thank you for loving us and hearing our prayers. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Prayer for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Everyone has been fearful or anxious at some time in life. If you are experiencing fear or anxiety read on for a Christian prayer that you can individually or in a group pray to God for relief from fear and anxiety.

Praying for Healing from Fear and Anxiety

Heavenly Father, hear our prayer specifically for relief from our fears and anxieties. You tell us over and over in Your Word, the Bible, to fear not and be still so that we may know that You are God. Please hear our cry for overcoming our fears and anxiety.

Calm Racing Thoughts

Calm our racing thoughts and replace anxiety with peace and trust in You. The overwhelming burden of thinking of things that might happen and that we are afraid of keeps us from experiencing Your joy. Please hear our prayer and help us to let go of the control that we are grasping for in our fear and anxiety and place our trust in You. You love us. You sent Your son Jesus to redeem us and give us abundant life. Grant us peace in our minds, heart and soul as only You can. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Salvation Prayer – Group

In a small group there may be someone who needs to be saved. As an invitation, a group salvation prayer will invite everyone in the group to have the opportunity to pray for salvation. Read on for a sample prayer inviting group members to ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins and save them.

Dear Jesus, You tell us in Your Word that if we believe and that God raised you from the dead, and that we confess our sins You are just and will forgive us. We pray that you search our hearts and hear our prayers of confession of our sin and our need for You to save us. We ask for salvation from You and You alone. We know that salvation is a one on one personal experience in trusting you to save us individually. We pray that everyone here and all of our family, friends and those people in our lives as you for Your saving grace. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

Prayers for Small Groups: Salvation Prayer – Individual

Dear Jesus, Thank You for dying on the cross and being raised from the grave for me. I know that You sit at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for me. Thank You for paying the price for my sins. I confess that I am lost in my sins and have no hope of eternal life unless You save me.

I believe in You – that You came to earth as a human and lived among people teaching and showing the way everlasting. I believe You were crucified on a cross for my sins, was raised to life by God the Father on the third day, ascended into heaven and will come again one day to draw all who are saved to you for all eternity. I believe You alone have the power to save me from eternal damnation and punishment. I pray that You forgive my sins, cleanse me and save me for all eternity to be with You.

Help me to live my life on earth doing what You want me to do. I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that you are my savior. I praise You and thank you for saving me. In Jesus name I pray – Amen.

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