Prayer for My Spouse

Prayer for My Spouse.

Praying for My Spouse: Seeking Salvation, Peace, and Blessings

As a husband/wife, there’s a deep responsibility and privilege in praying for my spouse. Each prayer is a heartfelt plea for their well-being, spiritual growth, and happiness. Today, I want to share the core elements of my prayers—a prayer encompassing their salvation, peace, joy, happiness, good health, a fulfilling job, and safety.

See our Prayer Page and Our Pages for Prayer for My Husband and Prayer for My Wife.

Prayer for My Spouse: Prayer for Salvation

Heavenly Father,

I come before you with gratitude for blessing me with my spouse. Lord, I pray earnestly for their salvation and spiritual growth. May they come to know you intimately and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Open their heart to your truth and grace, drawing them closer to you each day.

Grant them a deep hunger for your Word and a desire to walk in your ways. Surround them with influences that strengthen their faith. Protect them from the distractions of the world and guide them in the path of righteousness. In Jesus Name I pray – Amen.

Prayer for My Spouse: Prayer for Peace, Joy, and Happiness

Dear God,

I pray for an abundance of peace, joy, and happiness in my spouse’s life. May they experience your peace that surpasses all understanding, guarding their heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Fill their heart with your joy, even in the midst of challenges.

Grant them moments of deep happiness that come from knowing you and living in your presence. May their life be a testimony of your goodness and faithfulness, radiating joy to those around them. Help them find contentment in you, regardless of circumstances. In Jesus Name I pray – Amen.

Prayer for My Spouse: Prayer for Good Health

Heavenly Healer,

I lift up my spouse’s health and well-being to you. Protect them from illness, strengthen their immune system, and grant them vitality and strength. Surround them with your healing presence, bringing restoration where needed.

Help them prioritize self-care and healthy habits. Grant them restful sleep and peace of mind. May they glorify you with their body and steward it well. Shield them from anxieties about health, replacing them with your peace. In Jesus Name I pray – Amen.

Prayer for My Spouse: Prayer for a Fulfilling Job

Dear Jesus,

I pray for success and fulfillment in my spouse’s career. Guide their steps and grant favor with colleagues and supervisors. May they excel in their work, using their talents to make a positive impact.

Grant them wisdom and discernment in decision-making. Help them find joy and satisfaction in their professional endeavors. Provide opportunities for growth and advancement aligned with your plan for their life. In Jesus Name I pray – Amen.

Prayer for My Spouse: Prayer for Safety and Protection

Heavenly Father,

I pray for my spouse’s safety and protection. Guard them from harm, accidents, and any dangers in their daily life. Surround them with your angels, watching over them wherever they go.

Protect their heart, mind, and spirit from the schemes of the enemy. Give them peace and assurance of your presence. Cover our home and family with your love and security. In Jesus Name I pray – Amen.


Praying for my spouse is both a responsibility and a privilege. Each prayer is a reminder of God’s sovereignty and deep care for them. I trust that as I intercede on their behalf, God is guiding their steps and shaping them into the person He designed them to be.

May these prayers not only bless my spouse but also encourage others to lift their spouses in prayer. Through prayer, we support their spiritual journey, emotional well-being, careers, health, and overall happiness. Let us continue to seek God’s guidance and provision for our spouses, trusting in His faithfulness.

As I conclude this reflection on prayer for my spouse, I am reminded of Psalm 91:11-12: “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.”

May my spouse always walk in the paths God has set for them, covered by His protective hand.

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